this is my humble winter abode! it came as a skybox with everything you see, freaking gorgeous right? now usually, i dont buy things unless they are on sale, cuz im a cheapo but this was just not something i could pass up!
the inside is totes cute, it has a kitchen livingroom, the bedroom and bathroom upstairs is kinda small, but i love messing with walls so i started making them bigger.. but also there that little hut on the side! for definite cuddling and anything else you cant fit in the house :)
another thing i love about this house, is they have 2 verisons.. one is tall and one is "actual size" you know, for us short shits under 7 feet ;) i had a hard time debating which i wanted to use, because even tho the actual size looks way better downstairs, upstairs the taller ceiling was nice and also i had to edit my camera angles.. but since everyone i know is kinda on the short side of sl.. i went with it!
the mailbox works and it has little paths everywhere.. seriously, i just cant get over how much i love this house and skybox. definitely gets you happy and going for the winter!
*Poetica* Christmas Cottage